We are delighted to announce that our project leader, Prof. Gina Moseley, has been named as a 2021 Laureate of the Rolex Awards for Enterprise. The Rolex Awards were established 45 years ago to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Rolex Oyster, the world’s first waterproof wristwatch. The Awards received so much interest that Rolex […]
Read moreBlog post for Austrian Young Academy of Sciences in Der Standard
Wie Höhlen die Klimavorhersagen verbessern This is the title of a new blog post written by project leader Prof. Gina Moseley about using caves for climate change research. Naturally the work in Greenland features! To read the post, in German, visit here.
Read moreGreenland Article published in Descent. Part 2 of 2.
The second of a two-part article written by Gina Moseley and Chris Blakeley features in the latest issue of Descent magazine (274, Jun/Jul 2020). Part 2 talks about the 2019 expedition. We’re delighted to get the front cover too! The magazine is available from https://www.wildplaces.co.uk/
Read moreGreenland Article Published in Descent. Part 1 of 2
The first of a two-part article written by Gina Moseley and Chris Blakeley features in the latest issue of Descent magazine (273, Apr/May 2020). Part 1 talks about the 2015 and 2018 expeditions. The magazine is available from https://www.wildplaces.co.uk/
Read moreAncient Caves Promotion Week
It’s been a bit of a crazy whirlwind this week as the long-awaited IMAX film Ancient Caves premiered at the Science Museum of Minnesota. Project leader Gina Moseley, who is the main protagonist in the film, was present for two premieres and a media screening. She also spent three afternoons signing autographs and chatting to […]
Read moreGreenland Caves Project features in Greenpeace Magazine (2.20)
We’re delighted with the article ‘In icy holes at the end of the world’ that features in the February, 2020 issue of the German language Greenpeace Magazine.
Read moreArticle published in Der Standard
Top Austrian newspaper Der Standard have published a nice article about our work. To read the text (in German), see here.
Read moreNational Geographic Exhibit
At the annual National Geographic Photographers’ seminar in Washington D.C., our own photographer Robbie Shone spotted a feature on the Polar Plunge board in the foyer about our work in the Arctic. How cool is that!
Read moreNational Geographic Live!
We’ve been spending quite a bit of time recently with our project sponsors National Geographic. Between 10th February, 2017, to 17th September, 2017, we will be featured in the National Geographic Museum in Wasington D.C. as part of the Earth Explorers exhibition. On the 16th March, 2017, Gina also gave a public lecture as part […]
Read moreAncient Caves IMAX Film
Project leader Dr. Gina Moseley is involved in an exciting IMAX project with the aim of promoting caves and cave science in a positive way. The family friendly adventure-science film will follow her and renowned cave diver Brian Kakuk (@bahamas_underground) around some fantastic cave sites doing some great science. The @ancientcaves film is due for […]
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