Thanks to expedition partner Robbie Shone, and also to Martin Moseley for his editing skills, we now have a short documentary about the work of the Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group in Conturines Cave in the Dolomites. The work in the caves of Northeast Greenland will not be quite on the same scale as this, but the principle idea will be the same.
ginamoseley Science, Short films Alps, Cave bear, Cave science, Caves, Christoph Spoetl, climate change, Conturines Cave, Coring, Dating, Documentary, Dolomites, Earth Science, Environment, Film, Geochronology, Geography, Geology, Gina Moseley, Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group, Italy, Karst, Martin Moseley, Palaeoclimate, Palaeoclimatology, Paleomagnetic dating, Physical geography, Pleistocene, Quaternary, Research, Robbie Shone, Science, short documentary, short-film, Stable isotopes, Surfacing Productions, U-Th dating